

Transkei Primary School is an English medium, co-educational school with 780 pupils from Grade 0 to Grade 7.  Its inception is a result of the amalgamation of the primary section of Umtata High School with Laerskool Transkei in July 1994.

We are extremely proud of the fact that we are among the few schools in SA who has a school song written in 3 languages (English, Afrikaans, Xhosa).

Our motto, “Super Omnia Veritas” - The Truth Above All Things, - sets an exemplary standard, which we believe is worth striving for.  We shall strive to create an educational system, which will allow children to receive an education emotionally and culturally acceptable to them and their parents.  We shall attempt to create a favourable climate for non-racial schooling by eliminating prejudice, promoting democratic principles, cultivating mutual respect and creating fairness and openness in our school community.  We are committed to maintaining the established Christian character of our school, continuing to practise tolerance for those from different religious backgrounds.

Transkei Primary School is a “family” school and parents are requested to attend school functions, to support us and to become involved.