School Rules


1.             All pupils are expected to behave in a reasonable, tolerant and sensible manner.

2.                   Any action which is discourteous, dishonest, destructive or harmful is an

offence against the school.


3.                   Regular attendance at school and punctuality is the expected norm.  Pupils must

attend school for the whole of the prescribed school day.  In the case of absence

the parents must provide the class teacher with a note of explanation when their

child returns to school.


4.             No pupils may indulge in or be in possession of alcoholic drinks or drugs, nor

may objectionable literature, tapes or CD’s be in their possession. No dangerous

toys are allowed to be brought to school.  If found, they will be confiscated


5.             School property, or anything which is the property of others may not be

damaged, defaced or stolen.


6.             School books must be carried in a schoolbag or a similar firm container.

        Fishing bags are not allowed.


7.             Pupils may not leave the school premises during regular school hours without

permission from the Principal or the Deputy Principal.


8.             All pupils are expected to participate in at least one extra-mural activity per term.


9.             When pupils have voluntarily joined an extra-mural team, club or society, they

should attend all practices, meetings and activities.  If they are unable to attend,

or no longer wish to participate, the teacher must be informed beforehand.


Behaviour within the school buildings:


-          walk swiftly in single file and keep left along the corridors with suitcases on

the right side.      

-     no running, games or unnecessary noise inside the school.

-     no eating inside classrooms, halls or corridors.

-     paper and litter must be deposited in the bins provided.

-     no chewing gum on school grounds or sports fields

-     no running around or playing on the verandahs and passages.


10.          Extra-curricular activities such as plays, musical evenings and prize-giving

 is an important part in the development of the child as a whole.  Pupils are

 therefore urged and encouraged to attend such activities.  For each event the

 proper dress will be specified.


11.          All text books must be covered in plastic or contact.


12.          Continued misbehaviour at school can lead to suspension.


13.          BOYS  :  Boys’ hair must be cut short (no steps).  If in doubt, ask a teacher. 

GIRLS  :  Girls’ hair must be tied when touching the collars.  No extensions are

allowed, but their own hair may be braided .  Hair accessories may only be black,

green or yellow.  No pupils are allowed to dye their hair or to use mousse or gel.

 The golden rule is :  Keep your  hair natural!


14.          No jewellery may be worn, with the exception of the girls’ GOLD and SILVER

sleeper earrings and studs.